365 tuesday

La Madame is the link between San Sebastián and New York, and not only because of its chef, Kevin Patricio. The food spans diverse cuisines (spanish, vietnamese, mexican, american...) but the real surprise is the new cocktail menu, which debuted this week. It's divided into four parts: ‘Del Mortero’ (from the mortar: mojitos, caipirinhas, etc), ‘Elegante’ y ‘Aromático’ (elegant and aromatic), ‘Atrevido y Refrescante’ (daring and refreshing), y ‘Soprendente y Misterioso’ (surprising and mysterious). They add up to twenty special cocktails, without even a mention of the ubiquitous gin and tonic. Don't miss the ‘Brown Derby’, a mix of bourbon, grapefruit juice, and honey syrup, or the ‘Puente’, composed of tequila, grapefruit, martini blanco and elderflower. The only spot in San Sebastián with avant-garde drinks. Curated.
Part of this week's 365cities project.